Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tasting - Heinz Eifel Shine

Heinz Eifel Shine

Wine review: This drier-styled Riesling is bright, fruity and floral with crisp acidity and clean flavors of apple, pear and peach that compliment its stony minerality and earthy complexity. It serves well as an aperitif and matches a wide variety of foods, like lighter salad dishes, shellfish, cream sauces and also anything with a touch of spice.

My review: Light pink and very light clear color. Crisp and clean with sweet plum like aroma and bouquet on the nose. Sweet and lemon flavors come forward on the palate. Light and medium body and short, crisp, and acidic finish. Acidic fruit component lasts long throughout the smooth finish with hint of  sweet strawberries at the end. It was very fresh wine that will be well paired with any light appetizer or light desert. Also it will go well with seafood dishes with light cream sauce and non spicy Asian dishes with seafood or chicken with light cream sauce.

Tasting - Atlas Cumbres

Altas Cumbres
Cabernet Sauvignon

Wine review: Intense red color with violet highlights, with clean, fresh and complex aromas of berries, plums, figs and pepper. Strong personality is in perfect balance with a medium body and pleasant tannins.

My review: Dark blackberries color. Mocha and burnt Oak aroma come out on the nose, also subtly buttery aroma comes out at the very end. Full body with long and dry finish. Strong acid and Oak aroma and flavor on the palate with black pepper at the end. Smooth textured butter with acidic blackberries components are well structured throughout the entire palate with smooth finish. It will be well paired with pork bbq dishes with savory sauce and beef brisket dishes with heavy and thick sauce.

Tasting - Georges DuBoeuf

Georges DuBoeuf
Beaujolais Nouveau

Wine review: Balanced and lightly creamy, offering pretty flavors of plum sauce and raspberry coulis threaded with hints of ground spice. Elegant, with a floral finish.

My review: Dark cherry and plum color. Earthy and leathery cherries bouquet on the nose. Strawberries and hint of banana come out at the end of the nose. Medium body with unexpected short, but smooth and dry finish. The tannic component lasts long with hint of banana flavor and texture stay throughout the finish. The banana flavor and aroma are very subtle, but enough to notice at the end of the palate. This wine will go well with any read meat dishes, such as red meat steaks and pork chop with medium sauce. Also it will go well with any seafood pasta with heavy cream sauce.

Tasting - Bricco dei Tati

Bricco dei Tati

Wine review: Fresh with aromas of strawberries, cherries and rose petals. This is ideal with shellfish, salad, chicken, and with appetizers

My review: Light cherry color. Crisp and fresh strawberry bouquet comes out on the nose. Acidic lemon and sweet strawberries are well balanced on the palate. Acidic components covers/blocks hint of sweet fruity components, but they are well balanced, so it's not entirely just acidic. Light and crisp body with medium finish. Lemon component lasts longer than any other aroma and taste. This wine will go well with any light seafood appetizers or just by itself. Also, light to medium spicy food will go well with this wine as well.

Tasting - Frascati Colpetti

Frascati Volpetti
Malvasia, Trebbiano, Greco

Wine review: Straw yellow in color with a soft, delicate perfume, fruitful flavor, dry and harmonious taste. Perfect with appetizers, soups, and fish.

My review: Light and clear yellow color. Light green, acidic lemon and fruit with hint of petro on the nose. Subtle, but noticeable amount of honey aroma and flavor on the palate with light body and short finish. I was able to pick up honey and acidic fruit component on my palate and the honey flavor along with the texture lasted for a long time on my palate throughout the finish. Very clean and smooth finish, and it will be well paired with light appetizer snacks, such as strawberry, and light finger food appetizers

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tasting - Toso

blend wine

Wine review: This Moscato is reminiscent of honeysuckle and rose petal. The quality is equivalent to a top level Asti Spumante DOCG. Sweet sparkling wine obtained from a careful selection of the Moscato grapes. It has a pale straw yellow color with fine foam and bubbles. Tropical fruit flavors, refreshing.

My review: Clear light pink with lots of bubble. Clean and crisp with sweet fresh fruit forward on the nose. Super sweet and hint of acidic component, such as sweet lemon covered with honey and sugar. Light and short finish with sweet and clean sparkling component. This wine will be very good desert wine that will go really well with any light to medium desert, such as chocolate covered fruits, sweet cookies, and even ice cream.

Tasting - El Sierro

El Sierro
Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon

Wine review: Dark ruby in color with rich aromas of red fruit and light spices. It is a real knock-out with delicious flavors of dark cherries, blackberries and vanilla all perfectly integrated. the Tempranillo provides wonderful spice and fruit, while the Cabernet Sauvignon gives structure and depth with the beautiful use of Oak.

My review: Dark purple color. Smokey and pepper aromas on the nose. Full and dry with well structured body followed by long finish. Hot and spicy and acidic components on the palate with leathery texture lasts long on the palate to the finish and more. Dark cherries and berries come forward with spicy and dry components. The acid and fruity components forward followed by hot and spicy kick and then dry finish complete the structure of this wine. It will go really well with greasy prime rib or steak dishes.